WebDev | ‘catomo’ browser game design & development

CSS,HTML,JavaScript,Phaser 3,PhotoShop,UI,UX

About the project

Catomo is a single player game developed with Phaser 3. The title of the game consists of two words which are “cat” and “tomo (friends in Japanese)”.

The concept of the game is to feed cats to become friend with them just like the game title implies.

A player gains scores by feeding cats; when a player achieves target scores they unlock a cat which can be seen in ‘mayTomo’ scene.

A player can move side to side and can through food. There are two types of food: onigiri and fish.

If a player feeds a seagull, they lose scores.

Data such as scores and collected cats are stored in a player’s local storage which can be cleared by selecting “new game” button.

Game development

Draft ideas

UI design and screens

Scraped idea: death penalty

The idea of death penalty was scraped as it seemed not suitable for this game’s friendly concept.


Screen map
Config entrance

Web Design & Development

Posted by ohakoda